Lost and Found


Well, isn’t this just the perfect ‘spot’ in our lives to acknowledge all that has been lost and that which has been found?

Life has changed from what it was. It will never go back. Our whole world has changed.

What is lost? The structure of how life was…rolling along as if we knew it would carry on that way.
We have been shown the folly of that and been kicked out of the nest ‘as if we know’ into the unknown.

That can be scary and very hard if one is still attempting to return to any idea of a comfort zone that no longer exists. The whole world has moved on.

This Satsang Invitation is to invite you to look at where you are now and see if there is any part that is still pining for how life was. I invite you to settle into that part inside of yourself and feel it.

And if not pining, just to see if there is any part that doesn’t ‘like’ how life is now. This too can represent a hanging on to something.
Not that ‘you’ did this…there is no wrong here, it is not to judge yourself as if you ought not to be hanging on (if you find that).

You are part of the human collective…humans tend to hang on sometimes. Which is great, because then we can find that part: the energetic display of ‘hanging on’ inside. It helps us to acknowledge what we did experience, that it was worthwhile (otherwise hanging on would not have happened).

The best way to tell if there is any hanging on, or an attempt to ‘stop the world, ya wanna get off’, is to go to your breath. As you muse upon a topic of how the world is now (what you dont like about it, or someone was part of your life who is not now, etc.) does your breathing get shallow or held? In the same moment that you notice that, there will be some sort of held energy inside – let your awareness rest with that whilst you are also aware of your breathing, allowing your breath simultaneously.

It is so cool, because in ‘Being With’ what is lost, we find parts of ourselves. That is the ‘found’ part – Lost & Found.

The beauty of Love as Source is that no matter what is going on, Love is always attempting to bring harmony to us, for us, from us, as us. Love magnifies the hard bits (by the discomfort) because that is where the gold is…the gold of Being alive in each moment as a direct expression of Self, of Love.

Please ask questions, share with me what you find, or join in with us for Satsang on March 28th on Zoom (by phone alone is fine). Details on the schedule page of this website.
For Now please know that you are loved because you actually are Love in expression. If you don’t feel that, how loved you are, please do join in next Sunday (March 28th) Satsang so I can support you to directly feel that – so you yourself can know this.
with love with love,

Canela Michelle