Personal Contact With The Divine

Would you like to strengthen & deepen your connection with your divine Self? 

This is available in every single moment!
The funny thing about that sentence is that there is only one moment.

Wherever you are, right in this moment, is also where you will find this divine Self. The beauty of this aspect of Self, is that there is always more room to deepen into That.

This never ever leaves you even when you might feel not so divine.  I invite you to strengthen that, so you know and can feel your divinity.  Of course I do!  This means that you will feel more secure, more taken care of, more alive, more graceful, and more at ease with life... I invite that, more of that, for every single person on this planet!  

The human aspect of Self has so many rough edges that might catch the mind up for a moment or two.  No problem, your divine Self is right there on the edge With you.
You know this...everyone does. Perhaps these words serve as a reminder (which is the point of all of these Satsang Invitations!) to you that this is true and you can fall open to that exactly where you are right now.  I invite you to take a few moments and melt open to yourself to taste this.  If there is one of those 'edges' at play, I invite you to feel that edge, relax open to that and see what it wants to 'speak by feel' to you.

The Satsang Intensive in White Rock is set with this intention: to magnify this part of you, the Divine Self, so you can hear, see, feel and know this for yourself.  This is not a thinking kind of thing, this is an experiencing kinda non-thing.  ...I gotta smile with that one...
You are invited....Satsang is always about sharing the Truth - from you to yourSelf...Deepening into That.

Canela Michelle