Silence is Here

This may be a very obvious statement: Silence is Here.  Does that support you? Maybe.

The invitation here, with this posting/sharing, is to ‘make use of’ the fact that Silence is always, forever, Here Now.  

In any moment, it does not matter what is happening, or what you appear to be doing, one can stop and listen for Silence.

How?  Make use of the sounds of the moments.  The sounds that are ‘surface sounds’, like perhaps a TV if that is on, or the radio.  Maybe just background traffic sounds.  Like in the picture above of ripples on the surface, fall in with that which resides within the surface, connected to All.  What ever is there/here, just open to actually listening to that, breathe, relax your body, and allow the hearing to happen even more deeply – this naturally happens in response to relaxing open to anything, in this case, relaxing open to listening.  Allow Awareness to float with whatever is happening without attempting to change it.

Many people hear a high pitched sound that is constant.  Often it has occurred in Satsang gatherings that someone comes up and points to that, at first believing it to be a problem that they have been unable to ‘get rid of’, then when they totally open to it, it is found to be the actual Silence that abides in every moment whether we are With That or not.

There are a few side effects of listening to Silence:
1.  You will be present to the moment while listening.  You cannot listen for, or allow yourSelf to hear Silence and not be present because listening only happens in each moment.
2.  Your system (what appears Here as a ‘you’) will become more peaceful, perhaps also rejuvenated and enlivened, but over all even with that, more peaceful. 
3.  If something less comfortable is happening, opening to whatever that is andlistening for Silence within the happening, can bring a balancing to what you are experiencing – it is like you invite Presence itSelf to support you ‘through and with’ whatever is happening.  

The Silence may show up as a hum; a high piercing sound; a cacophony jumble of sound; crystalline cymbals clanging; a roar of vibrating tones; a sort of whistling; or even a feeling of being embraced by all that is.

If you feel it might support you, imagine that I am sitting right there With you as you open even more deeply to Silence itSelf, as a support to you in deepening into That. 


1.  Thank you to Brooks for hosting and to everyone who was attended the ‘in-person’ Satsang gathering in Gas Town/Vancouver, it was such a pleasure to support such committed and aware people!!

2.  There will be on-line Satsang gatherings available soon!  Please check out the schedule page on the website to see what is being offered, where and when.  It isn’t posted yet, but will be soon.

3.  Coming Home to YourSelf Satsang Immersion is still available in February!  This is in a beach front condominium (large condo) in Manzanillo, Mexico in February 2019. On going support for the whole week – in the moment coaching for Awakening and Embodiment.  If you are committed to Consciousness; ready to seat yourSelf even more deeply into each moment; and to explore the mysteries of being human to see what Love is inviting, this offering is for you.  More information on the schedule page and please do ask questions if you have them:

4.  Individual Satsang Sessions, Couple or Relationship Satsang Sessions (for supporting deepening into Love directly and communicating that) and Satsang Mentoring Sessions continue to be available via phone, Skype or Zoom. Simply reply to this email, or go to to find out more about that and to schedule a time via the contact page.

5.  If you feel to host Satsang with Canela Michelle in your area of the world, just send a note via ‘reply’ to this email to hear how that can happen.  There is no commitment in just asking about it and it is much easier than you might imagine.

6. Canela Michelle’s first book is called: “Right Here, Right Now Meditations – Satsang Invitations for Expanding Awareness”.  It is a great support to you for deepening into this incredible person, this incredible Awareness, That You Are.  It also has 17 original line drawings, one at the beginning of each section More about That Here:
For those of you who have the book, please do write a review on your local Amazon…there are only six reviews!  (The book keeps getting updated and we loose the reviews).

Canela Michelle