Beauty and the Beast
The invitation in the story of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ is very straight forward when one looks towards Self.
The Universe, or Consciousness, is always attempting to bring harmony to its own Self. What at first might appear as ‘bad’ or the ‘beast’ is always an opportunity for embracing one’s Self.
Whether the beast appears (apparently) outside of yourself, or inside on a day that you might feel grouchy or greedy or jealous or any of the possibilities that we call ‘bad’, it is an invitation from Love itSelf to meet that beast, totally, and open to hearing what’s really going on in the moment.
That the beast is often depicted as masculine and beauty as the feminine does not represent that men are more often beastly and women goodly…both are reflections of our own feminine and masculine sides of Self – the Yin and Yang blend that dances here as a person in each moment.
Just like in the movie, when one opens to the beastly side of Self and gives that part of who we are space just to be, then that part relaxs open, the edges soften and the scary-ness diminishes. The two aspects then can dance in unison, in pleasure and transformation – transformed from what doesn’t feel loving to what does.
You are invited to open up to, include and not push away from whatever appears in the moment to be beastly, uncomfortable, or embarrassing. The beauty of Love offers all the space of infinity to meet and dance with aspects of ourSelves that at first might appear as unacceptable. In the action of exploration, acceptance is the side effect, making not only the experiencing of yourself more yummy, but also your viewpoint on all of what appears here as the world.
Satsang with Canela is always about exploring ‘What Is’ with the purpose of meeting the mystery directly, enhancing the understanding of one Self, and allowing the falling open to ultimate freedom.