
Group Satsang Events are listed below, click on the date to see
the expanded information.

Canela Michelle is available for Private Individual (and Couples) Satsang Sessions, as well as Business/Life & Joy Coaching, in person, and via Skype, Zoom & phone.
Book Sessions Here. All sessions include support with Transformation (Yourself and Your Life), Self Realization & Embodiment.
To invite Canela Michelle to offer a Group Satsang Event in your area of the world, click Here.
To send in your Donation or Payment for Sessions click here:

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  • 2 Hours starting at: 
- 10am PST, 11am CST, 1pm EST, 6pm Uk & Ireland, 7pm Mainland Europe (double check times in your area based on the 10am PST time due to time changes this time of year).


Topic: ‘Trust’

    The biggest supporter of Happiness in each moment is Trust. Do we trust life? Do we trust how everything is changing in the world in ways we don’t like?

    How can we magnify and deepen trust in the midst of it all?

    By noticing where trust already is.
    Also by noticing where trust isn’t, then exploring that energetically.

    In this Satsang, you will be directly supported to find trust, to experience it directly, consciously. In this way, Trust gets magnified, strengthened and steadied in the midst of our rapidly changing world.

    When you steady yourself in Trust, Joy and Peace are natural side effects.

- The Monthly Zoom Satsang meeting is by Donation: Suggested donation, $20 cad, however any amount is welcome.

    - To Register, send in your donation via the donation button near the top of this page, then send your receipt to Leah Marie at: and she will send you the Zoom Link.

  • Topic: “Supporting Truth - Including This ‘YOU’ that wants to Live even More!"

    This series will support you to access and hear this marvellous YOU! receive the gift of the Present (and all it holds) even more deeply. Let this group vibration and commitment - as well as the magical deep support from Canela - support you into an even more delicious and abundant life of you!

    - Mondays -  
    Feb 3rd, 10th, 17th & March 4th 2025
    Starting at: 10:00am PST, 11:00am CST, 1:00pm EST, 6:00pm Uk & Ireland, 7:00pm Europe

    Maximum of 8 Participants. This is a closed group once the series has started.

Contact Email to register: 

    Any questions? Contact Page Here.

  • Location:
    Tsawwassen, BC Canada

    March 9th - 11am-4pm - Daylong Satsang Intensive

    This is a Private Satsang Group - (full to capacity)

    Contact Canela Michelle through the ‘Contact’ page if you would like to host a private Satsang group.

  • Topic: “Supporting Truth - Including This ‘YOU’ that wants to Live even More!"

    This series will support you to access and hear this marvellous YOU! receive the gift of the Present (and all it holds) even more deeply. Let this group vibration and commitment - as well as the magical deep support from Canela - support you into an even more delicious and abundant life of you!

    T- Mondays -  
    March 24th: 11:30am PST, 2:30pm EST, 6:30pm UK & Ireland, 7:30pm Europe
    March 31st, April 7th & 14th:
    10:30am PST, 11:30am CST, 1:30pm EST, 6:30pm Uk & Ireland, 7:30pm Europe

    Maximum of 8 Participants. This is a closed group once the series has started.

Contact Email to register or for more info: 

  • 2 Hours starting at: 
- 10am PST, 11am CST, 1pm EST, 6pm Uk & Ireland, 7pm Mainland Europe (double check times in your area based on the 10am PST time due to potential time changes).


Topic: ‘Courage’

    Welcome, welcome to more and more courage to live life even more fully in joy!

    Where do we find courage?
    Is it really true that we can ‘fall in’ with discouragement to find courage itself? Yes, it is true.
    Love, or Source, calls to us through discouragement. Instead of getting caught up in the outer display of details that provoked the discouragement, or trying to change it or avoid it, we can look to the energetic play within, with curiosity and let it unfold to our awareness.

    Yes, this is exactly the opposite of what most of us have been taught, through osmosis mostly: to try to change it, avoid it, or demand that the outside details change so we don’t have to feel it.

    You are being invited to feel and be with this energy…be curious. The play of it will be personal - from Source to you personally: there is no general answer at all because you are the only part of existence that will hear and feel this energy like you do.

    You are welcome to be supported in this exploration in Satsang. In Satsang it is easier to ‘hear & feel’ what is really happening because the Truth is magnified, as well as Canela’s distinct gifts, skills and magic in supporting you to Be With this marvellous you (even more)!

- The Monthly Zoom Satsang meeting is by Donation: Suggested donation, $20 cad, however any amount is welcome.

    - To Register, send in your donation via the donation button near the top of this page, then send your receipt to Leah Marie at: and she will send you the Zoom Link.

  • Satsang Immersion is Available. 
This is rare opportunity for PrivateSatsang Support (for one person, a couple, or family members) for people looking to deepen into, and Seat themselves as Awakened-ness even more deeply.

    It is also to deepen your connection with yourSelf, with Life, with each other, with Infinity, and/or to solve any repeating mystery. 

Satsang Immersion is offered in time frames of:
 3 days, 5 days, or 7 days - from 10am-8pm (with appropriate breaks) each day. This is ongoing private Satsang with all happenings throughout the time. This ‘catches’ the bits that seem astray from the Awakened State of Being.
This is a wonderfilled opportunity to activate and deepen Self Realization and Embodiment of this human Being That you are. 

    Of course, Satsang Immersion is for deeply committed people who wish to seat themselves more firmly as Presence and accept who they are as a human.

    Private, personal, Satsang coaching/mentoring/support will be alongside living life. 
It is a wonderful situation to explore any issues that are repeating in your life that you would like to find out what Love is really attempting to tell you. The on-going, deep 'dive in' to yourSelf gains a momentum that does not 'go back' to any old way of Being with life...that is the 'Immersion' part.

    Canela Michelle supports you to open to yourSelf in every direction: as Infinity itself, and as this life as a person that you have been given to live.

    The Satsang Immersions are available in White Rock, BC, Canada. If the situation deems it necessary, Canela Michelle can travel to where you are.

    For more information on Satsang Immersion, please contact Canela Michelle through this link

  • Online Zoom Workshop - In English with Chinese Translation.
    This is Part I of a 2 part Workshop

    April 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th, 7:30pm-9pm Beijing time.

    Jalila at:

  • Online Zoom Workshop - In English with Chinese Translation.
    This is Part 2 of a 2 part Workshop

    April 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th -
    7:30pm-9pm Beijing time.

    Jalila at:

  • This retreat will be in the beautiful retreat centre in Kunming, Yunan, China.

    Bliss is part of the human experience that has tended to be rare for most people. This 7 day retreat will support a falling open to Bliss and then seating oneSelf in that.

    This retreat will be in English with Chinese translation.

    Jalila at:

  • Location:
    Dirty Feet Yoga Studio
    7813 WI-60 Trunk,
    Cedarburg, WI

    Oct. 24th, 7pm-9pm - Evening Satsang
    Oct. 25th, 11am-4pm - Daylong Intensive
    Oct. 26th, 11am-4pm - Daylong Intensive

    Full Weekend Retreat - $260 (Fri Eve gifted)
    Friday Evening - $30
    Saturday - $130
    Sunday - $130 

    Oct. 27th & 28th - Private Sessions are available in Milwaukee.

    Send in your $30 deposit to secure your spot.

    Meg at to register or for more information.

  • Why are these events listed? So that you can see the topics and how they are explored. The little write ups for each event invite you in ways that are helpful to you in embracing your very fine Self.

    The most recent Satsang Events are listed first. Below that - From June 2019, they are listed chronologically.

    Oct 18th to 20th - Satsang Weekend Retreat in Brighton, England
    The Satsang of knowing Existence as Love, Joy & Fun”
    What if Existence itSelf wanted a more loving, joyful and fun experience for you while you are here on this wonderful earth?
    Just as you would love for all of the people that you love, Existence wants this for you too. How to access or allow this?
    Come and join in with us to real-ize this fine Self that you are, as well as encourage your world to feel more and more supportive, loving and satisfying.

    - Oct 11th to 13th - Satsang Weekend Retreat in Gdynia, Poland

    'Living as Abundance & Fulfilment'

    Just like an acorn or any seed, you are full of all of your potential. To allow yourself to grow into all of who you can be, is to live as Abundance & Fulfilment.
    It might look like there are barriers to this, barriers to living in more and more joy and happiness - this is perfect! If you can sense limitations then this Satsang will support you to open to them energetically.
    What is a limitation? When you know that you could be living in more prosperity, more joy, more fun, and more love but it seems to never quite get there.
    Love (Source) sets us up so we can sense that somehow, someway we are not living all of who we are in a way that we would love. Instead of trying and trying, we need to go to the root - to follow the invitation given by Love 'in'. Once the energy has shifted inside, the outside details fall into place and flow....there is something so satisfying about consciously opening to ourselves and allowing a loving life.
    As a delightful bonus, this process Awakens you even more to yourself as Awareness at play...Existence here, like this... YES!
    You are invited!
    Satsang is in English with Polish translation.

    -Sept. 15th 2024 - Monthly Zoom Satsang


Topic:‘Love is Holding You...Always, All Ways'
    Can you feel that? That Love is holding you in every moment?
    This is not just something to think about, it is Here to be experienced. Not because it has to be, because it changes everything to real-ize this.
    When you directly experience this, you then know that this is how it is for all of what we see as our Universe. All is held by Love, animated by Love, expressed as Love....yes.

    -June 9th 2024 - Monthly Zoom Satsang

Topic:‘Even More Freedom'
    How do we gift ourselves even more freedom in our lives?
    More freedom in the fabric of time, of money, of contentment, of fulfilment…more freedom to be more and more of this marvellous ‘You’ - Awareness at play in each moment.
    We can look at where there seems to be some sort of ‘limitation’ and find that within, sit with it (Be With That) while it shares itself with us - exactly as it is. This Satsang group is a support to that, or to anything else you would love to explore…welcome…

    -June 8th, 9th & 10th - On-Line Empowerment Satsang
    This 3 Day Satsang Retreat was on-line with a Mandarin interpreter. Empowering by Consciously opening to Self - this workshop shows you how!

    - May 24th & 25th - On-Line Conscious Parenting & Reparenting Satsang
    This 2 Day Satsang Retreat was on-line with a Mandarin interpreter.
    There was weekly follow-up meetings through May/June. Changing our world by being Conscious with ourselves, teaches being Conscious to our children through osmosis.

    -May 1-7th 2024 -In Person Retreat in Kunming, China.
    Allow more fun, joy & Love in your everyday living.

    -April 21st 2024 - Monthly Group Satsang
    Topic‘Your Relationship with Money’
    What is it about money that stirs us all up in so many ways?
    This Satsang invites a direct look at this: you looking and exploring your own relationship with money in a different way than just ‘thinking’ about it. Money is an equal part of Self at Play, however, often it is not treated this way or felt to be this way. It is, literally, particles of energy that show up in the moment as ‘money’. What makes it seem to be more, or less, than the rest of what appears?  
    Come and join with us in Satsang to find out and bring more harmony to your own relationship with money.

    -March 10th 2024 -
    Monthly Grou
p Satsan

    Topic: ‘Happiness’
    Is happiness ‘out there’ in the details of our lives?

    What is this ‘happiness’ and what is the call to that really about?
    If we are human, all that we would love to happen in our lives, and in the lives of those we love, are based in experiencing happiness.Is it possible to experience this within without any change in what appears as the outside details of your life?

    -Feb/March 2024, Small Group Satsang Series
    Topic: “Inviting Harmony in All Aspects"
    Harmony and healing of body, mind, and spirit while deepening into Self. These all go together naturally - one supports the other directly. Embodiment, Freedom, Awakening to each moment… YES! Harmony is a humming of this wonderful you, Being heard, seen & known… Yes! If this interests you, sign up…you are very welcome.

    Feb. 4th 2024, Monthly Zoom Satsang

Topic: ‘Accepting This One
    This topic covers everything - ‘this one’ is the whole of the Universe, (this Oneness) and is also ‘this one’ who shows up here as this person, this ‘you’.
    Accepting this one (as a person) more and more deeply is a side-effect of action taken to Know Thy Self. To know oneSelf, is to directly experience yourself in each moment…to explore this: this one.
    When you are with that, you are with the Oneness simultaneously. Your Awareness might be on the big toe, however there is not a spot or place that separates the big toe from all that is. It is not about attempting to encompass the whole Universe in it’s incredible display of Self at play. It is to soften your outlook to include ‘inlook’. In this balance, this harmony of Being With inside and outside, all becomes available.
    Through your own direct experiencing, not just your own direct ‘thinking’ (it doesn’t exclude that though).
    Sometimes, the more these words come out to play here on this page, to be sent to you, the more complicated it all ‘sounds’. In reality though, it is so incredibly simple that it can be hard to find. This is the whole point of Satsang, to support you to this accepted experiencing (which continues to deepen). Accepting yourself (the side effect of Being With yourSelf Consciously) accepts the whole of What Is….no more fighting with What Is…instead it becomes an ongoing exploration that you get to respond to (in each moment) as the Universe.
    Sent with love, with invitation, with you all,
    Canela Michelle in Croatia

    Dec. 17th 2023, Monthly Zoom Satsang


Topic: ‘Season of Peace & the Present’
    This Holiday Season is a great opportunity to decide to experience Peace and the gift - the Present.
    An easy way to find this is to acknowledge (by your direct experiencing of That) this amazing, beautiful Present….which includes this gift, this ‘you’.
    There is a wonderful energy of peace, joy and love that floats amongst us which is even more available during the holiday season, inviting us. Sometimes what is happening doesn’t look, or feel like peace or joy. This Satsang will support you to find the peace, joy and the gift. Not thinking about it, actually feeling it! The Truth, this moment, the Present that you have been given…hearing, feeling, experiencing this gift is what this Satsang is all about.You are welcome…as always….to explore this marvellous ‘you’ - this part of Existence you have been given. (Especially if you do not feel marvellous about being you).

    Nov. 26th 2023, Monthly Zoom Satsang
    Topic: ‘Feminine & Masculine

    What is ‘the feminine’? What is ‘the masculine’?
    This Satsang explores that and how knowing this supports you to become more harmonious with yourself and others.

    Oct. 29th 2023, Monthly Zoom Satsang
    Topic:Transform the Details & Awaken’
    You are being invited to take action towards changing the details of your life.  
    Look to see what you would like to be different in your life. Use the information of what you don’t like, to know what you would like.  
    Instead of attempting to ‘get it’ outwardly, look inwardly to see where the energy is speaking, moving, dancing…calling to you to be known. This is a very direct way to awaken to Self.
    Come and join with us to see this method in action and to empower yourself at the same time.

    Sept 24th 2023 - Monthly Zoom Satsang

Topic: ‘Living Life Even More Fully
    Life is continually inviting us to live more of ourSelves. Why? Because it is Consciousness growing by becoming more and more conscious of its own Self. Are you ready?
    This is the delight of being alive, each moment is new and unknown…fresh.We can open to, and encourage this freshness of life, and ourselves, by letting go of old ways that no longer serve us. This makes new space and movement available to be lived in whichever way we would love! How can that be done? By meeting whatever life presents in its energetic expression, and, by daring to invite what you would love. This Universe is all animated by Love itself after all - Love wants the best for you.Canela’s book, ‘I Was Told Not to Tell’ gives the background on how to do this and to understand what she means by ‘energetic expression’ (as well as being a highly inspirational book).
    Come and join with us in this Satsang to see this ‘way’ of meeting Self fully in action.

    Aug/Sept 2023 - Small Group Satsang
    Topic: “Inviting Harmony"
    Harmony and healing of body, mind, and spirit while deepening into Self. These all go together naturally - one supports the other directly. Embodiment, Freedom, Awakening to each moment… YES! Harmony is a humming of this wonderful you, Being heard, seen & known… Yes!If this interests you, sign up…you are very welcome.
These are closed small groups (same people each week) once they have started - Maximum of 8 people.

    August 3rd 2023 - Satsang in Calgary
    Topic: ‘Crafting Conscious Connection with Self’ (Even More!)
    There is a way, and it is always ‘your way’, to fall in even more deeply with you your Self, and all that appears as Self. Whether that be other people, or the felt sense of your foot meeting the floor.
    How can this be “crafted”? By opening to who we already are. Like we are the artists of a finer, more fun, more alive, moving sculpture of ourselves…revealing ourselves to ourselves as we open to our very existence. Our greatness lies within.

    Expansion of the Universe, which is always happening, supports us to Know Thy Self more and more…making life a beautiful, often crazy, and sometimes scary adventure in multitudes of directions as we meet the unknown in each moment.
    This Satsang will support you to deepen into ‘your way’ of That Consciously.

    June 28th. 2023 - Satsang in Chilliwack, BC at Amethyst BookS
    Topic: "Deepening into Nourishing Silence
    One of the best reasons to come into direct, felt, depth of Silence (the sort of ‘backdrop’ to everything that looks like our Universe) is to stop and start again.
    In this Satsang we can refill ourSelves with the ‘knowing by experiencing’ Source itSelf. From there it is so much easier to trust in life newly, even more deeply…and to relax and play more in your life.

    -June 25th 2023 - Zoom Satsang

Topic: What’s Love Got to Do With It?
    To see ‘All That Is’ as Love in expression is not a spiritual bypass - not in this Satsang. This Satsang is an opportunity to explore what at first does not look or feel loving at all, to explore that and Love will reveal itself for the person exploring. There is nothing to be said in a general way because each exploration is literally ‘for’ the explorer….the language of the moment is specific to them, as is how Love shows itself. What’s Love Got to Do with It? Only everything. Come and find Love yourself…settle even more deeply into That….Yes!

    -June 24th. 2023 - Satsang Intensive in White Rock, BC Canada
    Topic: "Personal Contact with the Divine”
    This is the opportunity for including our personal Selves (even more deeply) here in Existence and being Conscious of our Divine Self - soaking in With That. In opening to the Absolute (the Spaciousness) there is often a tendency to attempt to let go of what appears ‘as if’ personal. In this Satsang Intensive, we will explore the inclusion of this that appears in each moment as a ‘you’…this wonderful person that you are AND settling in (even more deeply) with this Divine Self until it is clear and known as the same.

    Chronological from Here:
    – June 21st-23rd 2019 – Living Life Fully Weekend Retreat & Kirtan in Cork, Ireland
    ‘The Science of Love – Unfolding the Mystery’

    – June 29th, 2019 – Keynote Speaker at the ‘Mindful Mann Festival’ - Isle of Mann
    ‘The Dance of the Universe – Are Pain and Suffering a Problem or an Invitation?’

    – June 30th, 2019 – Living Life Fully Satsang at Mother T’s, Isle of Mann
    ‘The Beauty of Balance with the Inner Feminine and Masculine

    – July 12-14th 2019 – Living Life Fully Weekend Retreat and Kirtan in London, UK
    ‘Resting in Joy – Let the Moment ItSelf Have You’

    – July 28th, 2019 – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang
    ‘Conscious Embodiment’ – 2 hours
    “The moment does not evade us, it is always available whenever one chooses to look. When the thoughts offered up by the moment are particularly dazzling or weighted with energy, then this can be an invitation right into the moment”

    –– Sept. 1st, 2019 – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang
    ‘Self Coaching – You Are Always Here’
    “The one who is always near, always with you, knows the most about you, and will never abandon you is YOU! This Satsang event is all about nourishing and deepening that connection from Self to Self…nowhere else to look, Here You Are!”

    –– Sept. 1st, 2019 – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang

    ‘Self Coaching – You Are Always Here’

    “The one who is always near, always with you, knows the most about you, and will never abandon you is YOU! This Satsang event is all about nourishing and deepening that connection from Self to Self…nowhere else to look, Here You Are!”

    –– September 15th, 2019 – Living Life Fully Satsang in Chilliwack, BC

    ‘Living Life Fully in Abundance’

    Amethyst Books & Essence ( )

    No matter what is happening, living your life fully in Abundance is always available. What is invited, is to listen into the moment itSelf to find that Abundance. It has always been ‘here’, available, yet it does take some practice to hear what is actually going on…the Truth of Each Moment.

    –– Sept. 29th, 2019 – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang

    ‘Wildcrafted – You Are Creation‘ – 2 hours

    Nature is wild by nature! Wildly, the moments tumble without separation, with ourSelves a seamless part of All That Is. Creation created this Universe and all that is experienced as its own Self…heard by this One, this place of 'Here' that you hear in all dimensions.

    – Oct. 27th 2019 – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang

    ‘What Good is Fear?’

    Understanding what Fear is Here for (in the moment it shows up), supports allowing one’s Self to open to it, feel it and hear the message that it is attempting to tell you. Not what your mind might say about it! By feeling it as energy, it will ‘speak’ what it is REALLY saying from you, to you.”

    – Nov. 24th 2019 – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang

    ‘Real Security – Being With Stillness, Silence’

    In this so rapidly changing world in so many directions, it’s not surprising that people might feel confusion, fear, and/or uncertainty. This is what makes ‘falling in’ with Stillness such a practical and logical direction. Stillness, or Silence, is the only constant, the only on-going, never changing part of experiencing life. Once found, it is always available…no matter what! Join With us in this Satsang to deepen into the Stillness, into the Silence.

    – November 29th-30th, 2019 – Living Life Fully Weekend Retreat on Salt Spring Island

    ‘The Game of Life – Wake Up to ALL of That”

    – Jan. 19th 2020 – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang

    ‘Hearing the Call”

    Love is calling you in every moment, can you hear the call?

    Slowing down, allowing oneSelf to rest right into the moment, the call becomes so much more audible. The moments expand and it becomes very straightforward and practical to feel what is genuinely happening. Gift yourSelf the space of expansion so you can meet this amazing ‘you’ that shows up Here in each moment.

    – Jan/Feb. 2020 – ‘Abundance Satsang Series’

    Series of Four Zoom Meetings – Tuesdays – 2 hours

    – Feb. 16th, 2020 – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang

    ‘Being ‘WITH’ All Consciously’

    We are all being with whatever is happening in every single moment. However, not everyone is Consciously With each moment. What is the difference? Join With us to find out and also steep yourSelf in Presence, Silence, Joy and Peace.

    -Jan. 29th through March 2020 – Kirtan with Canela in Manzanillo, Mexico

    – March 22nd 2020 – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang

    ‘ Balancing Inside and Outside (Appearances of That)’

    ‘Inside’ and ‘Outside’

    Most of humanity has been trained to react to life in relation to what appears as ‘outside’ details. This can become very unsettling at times such as now with the coronavirus happening. How can balance be found amidst such upheaval and uncertainty? Join With us to find out.

    – March/April 2020 – ‘Abundance Satsang Series’

    Series of Four Zoom Meetings – Sundays – 2 Hours

    – April 19th 2020 – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang "Space for Angels Satsang" – 2 hours

    There is so much more space available because of so much unknownness in response to how covid 19 has affected us all. More space means there is more room for contact with Angels.

    This Satsang invites everyone to experience more contact with their Angels, to enliven this aspect of personal support. Their (Angels’) support is, well, it is Divine for sure and it is so much more available Now.

    -May 3rd, 2020 – Free Zoom Event: Activist Fire Meets Awakened Mind and Unconditional Love Guided Practise and Q and A

    11am PST, 1pm CST, 7pm UK/Ireland, 8pm Germany/Czech Rep.Join with Cenk Matalon (Masters in Psychology) and Canela Michelle as this topic is explored from all angles – especially energetically with Love.

    – May 17th, 2020 – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang

    ‘Transforming Pessimism’

    Of course with what all is happening in the world during the experiencing of the pandemic, pessimism is very present with the human collective. Do you find yourself looking for someone to blame? Do you feel like someone is doing something to you? Do you find yourself feeling to be on one side against another – an us & them scenario? Or do you feel like nothing will ever work out for you like it seems to for other people?

    – May/June 2020 – ‘Abundance Satsang Series’

    Series of Four Zoom Meetings – Mondays – 2 Hours. Limited to 8 people.

    June 14th 2020, – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang

    ‘Topic: ‘The Real Conspiracy, Person-All Now’ –

    Is there a conspiracy? What does Love have to do with it?

    Please join us if you are available to explore this conspiracy for yourself. We can use the current details (of the moment) to find the truth…no matter what details. If you want to just ‘think’ about it and give evidence of how what you ‘think’ is ‘right’, this Satsang is not for you. If you are genuinely available to explore this, you will experience the real conspiracy.

    You are welcome!

    – .June 20th 2020, Online Meetup Meeting Sponsored by the Krishnamurti Centre of Canada

    “Aware, Awake, Alive’‘ – 1.5 hours

    Meetup Event Page:

    The Krishnamurti Centre fosters community, open sharing, discovery and self inquiry.

    Krishnamurti Centre of Canada Website:

    – .July 12th 2020, – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang

    Topic: ‘Deepening into Trust – 2 hours

    This place, space of ‘Here Now’ – the safest, most secure, and steady part of life to experience directly. The side effect? More trust with all of life…

    – June/July Abundance Satsang Series – Two Potential Days – Four Zoom Meetings

    Abundance of Feeling Secure, Abundance of Love, Abundance of Support, Abundance of All Aspects of Self. Sessions are recorded – recordings are sent to participants after each meeting (supports and even deeper relaxing open to What Is within the meeting moments)

    – August 23rd 2020, – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang

    Topic: ‘Family of Origin Opportunity For Love’-

    What is it about our family of origin? Why is it so hard to connect and be a part of that family? Are there some major ‘rifts’ between members?

    You are welcome to explore them in this Satsang, to fall in with the Love that underlies All That Is – even these sometimes difficult relationships. Come to this Zoom Satsang if finding the Love that beacons is of interest to you.

    You are welcome!

    – September 13th, 2020 – Online Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang

    Topic: ‘Bliss Now?’

    Feeling yourSelf as Bliss might feel ‘not ok’ at this time in the world with all of the issues happening. That’s normal because most of the human collective is not allowing Bliss. So, I invite you to support all people by allowing yourSelf to fall open to Bliss itSelf…This that resides in each moment, available to all.

    Welcome to be

    Blissfully you!

    – August/September Abundance Satsang Series – Two Potential Days – Four Zoom Meetings

    Mondays, Aug. 31, September 7th, 14th & 21st , 2020

    or Thursdays, – Aug. 27th, Sept. 3rd, 10th, & 17th, 2020

    – Joyful October /November Abundance Satsang Series – Four Small Group Zoom Meetings

    Thursdays, – Oct. 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th – Each meeting 2 hours

    or Mondays, – Oct. 19th & 26th and Nov. 2nd & 9th – Each meeting 2 hours

    – Oct. 25th 2020, – Online Monthly Zoom Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang

    Topic: ‘Shifting Criticism”- 2 hours

    Criticism is always an opportunity to see what is really going on with YOU. Even though the criticism may ‘fit’ with whatever the outside details look like, there is another opportunity to Know Thy Self that is hidden within. This Satsang will explore and show how exactly to find this and to reap the benefits (for all humans including yourself) of the deeper message that criticism points to. Join in with your questions, and with your criticisms…they are totally welcome!

    – Nov. 22nd 2020 – Online Monthly Zoom Satsang Gathering – Living Life Fully Satsang, Topic: ‘Living Magic’

    Does your living of life feel very magical? Each moment of the interdependent energetics of what is displayed as our world, as our Universe, is very very magical! Can you slow down enough to hear it, feel it, Be With That?

    – Nov./Dec 2020 Small Group Series – ‘Coming Home to Self’ – Mondays or Fridays (two separate groups of four meetings).

    – Dec. 20th 2020 – Zoom Sunday Satsang – ‘Commitment to Self & Solstice‘

    This Satsang will support you to deepen your own Commitment to Self. You are invited deeply to take charge of your own Awakening, don’t wait for outside influences to encourage you or to be ‘just right’ in some way. For instance, in the monthly Zoom Satsang and in in-person Satsang events around the world, Canela Michelle leaves a space for people to come forward, to step consciously and deliberately toward them Selves. Just making the move to come forward – to include yourself; to make yourself important enough; no matter what; to claim that space is ALREADY a huge benefit to you regardless of what you would like to look at or explore (especially if you are aware of this).

    The space is available…do you hear the call from you to you? Respond, no matter where, no matter what, step up for YOU! What is this ‘YOU’? That which appears in each moment as this human being that you are.

    This will also be an invitation to let go of all that you are finished with in your life, feed it to the darkness as more light comes through Solstice.

    – January/February 2021 ‘Finding Self Everywhere Satsang” – Small Group Series of Four Zoom Meetings (Mondays & Thursdays).

    – Feb. 28th 2021 – Online Zoom Satsang Gathering

    Topic: ‘Connection With the Departed’

    There is so much energy waiting for us to access and allow an unfolding regarding those that have departed. In my own experience of supporting many people over time, this is always a two way street – the Departed want to unravel the energy awaiting us too.

    This Satsang is not a time to ‘prove’ anything about there being souls who are no longer in their human physical body available to connect with us. It is a time to unfold toward your own heart in this particular direction and see what happens. Satsang with Canela is always about unfolding toward Love itself…of course then, it makes sense to open toward the departed because there is so much love that wants to find its way to being heard, felt, acknowledged and known Consciously. I never know how it will look in the moment, all I know is that this has happened again and again and now, out of the blue, it appears that the departed themselves have requested that I offer this space…and so I am.If you are curious, or drawn, or feel tingling when you read this, you are welcome to join us.

    – March 2021 ‘Deepening Into All That Is” – Small Group Series of Four Zoom Meetings, One per week. On Mondays (4 on Mondays) and on Thursdays (4 Thursdays).

    – March 28th 2021 – Online Zoom Satsang Gathering

    Topic: ‘Lost & Found’ – 2 hours

    ‘A Satsang for ‘falling in With’ whatever has been lost, give it space by feeling that, and let Self be ‘found’. The energy of whatever has been lost is always an opportunity to see what is Love really attempting to share with you?’

    – April 16, 17 & 18th – Speaker at the “Sacred Sexual Music Festival”

    Check it out here:

    – April 18th 2021 – Online Zoom Satsang Gathering

    Topic: ‘Holy Sexuality‘ – 2 hours

    Oneness is Oneness. How in the world did it ever come to be that our sexuality would be considered taboo or not Holy? Every little bit of what is experienced in Existence IS Existence! Self Realization is an embracing of All That Is, not just part of What Is. To turn away from any part of ourSelves in some on-going way, dismisses part of Who we Are. If any part is dismissed, Oneness of Self is not whole or embodied – no part left out, there is no where else for it to go – 100% surrender includes our sexuality.

    – April 2021 – Small Group Satsang Series of Four Zoom Meetings, One per week

    or On Thursdays – April 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th – Each meeting 2 hours “Holy Sexuality”

    – May 16th 2021 – Online Zoom Satsang Gathering

    Topic: ‘Apples & Vaccines’ – 2 hours

    When will you bite the apple…perhaps even more deeply… to taste even more of the joy & juice of your life?

    This Satsang is an invitation to bring your solidarity Home to you…no longer putting your authority ‘out there’, come Home. Home here exactly where you are to hear what is right and wrong from within. We can use the question of whether or not to have the vaccine, or any energies around that, to bring authority of Self Home so you can hear your own Truth.

    – May/June 2021 – Small Group Satsang Series of Four Zoom Meetings, One per week

    On Mondays & On Thursdays – Each meeting 2 hours

    Mondays – ‘Empowering Self Satsang’ – When we explore what appears to be ‘wrong’ ‘not ok’ or any aspect of Self that we don’t like, when we open up to it to be met fully, it can have space to share the Love that ignited it into Being. The side effect of such explorations is Empowering Self. You become more and more aware that All is Love, and live in a more open and embodied way. That does feel empowered!

    Thursdays – “Desire to Live Satsang” – Let’s explore what it is to want to be alive and also to feel the longing to feel fulfilled – to live life fully as possible! These Satsang meetings invite just That.

    – July 18th 2021 – Online Zoom Satsang Gathering

    Topic: ‘Forgiveness, What is That??’

    This Forgiveness is not an old way of saying what is ‘not ok’ is ok. This Forgiveness that is invited is an energetic exploration of yourSelf to find where extra energy for you is held, feeling that, then ‘for giving’ that energy back to yourself Consciously. Tap into reservoirs of Existence itSelf….yes yes yes yes!

    Satsang Series - Mondays – July 27th, August 3rd, 10th & 17th

    ‘Yesness – Dancing as Existence Satsang“

    What is this ‘you’? Here, like this? The dance of Existence. Those are fancy words, yes, AND they are so very true! If you do not feel like that, come along and join this intimate small group in Satsang and fall open to the truth of That. You are invited!

    – August 22nd 2021 – Online Zoom Satsang Gathering

    Topic: ‘Climate Change – Within and Without’

    What is the best we can do in times such as these where our very world is threatened? Climate Change, no matter how it is seen and viewed, is part of what we are all aware of. What can we do?

    You are invited to see what the climate inside of you is doing, how it is moving, to feel and receive that. Always when life seems out of balance, Love is attempting to invite harmony to itself….it’s ALWAYS an inside job!

    – August 28th, 2021 – Canela Michelle Speaker at On-line Summit –

    ‘Being Alive in the Heart of Life’ Interviewed by Susan Hill of WowPeace

    Interview Recording Here:

    – September 2021 – Small Group Satsang Series of Four Zoom Meetings, One per week

    Mondays –“Reality, Relativity & Happiness”

    This Satang series will support you to fall in with That which is real. Relativity gives us an ongoing experience of Being Alive…what a gift! Happiness floats amongst the play of this Universe, join in to hear – even more deeply – the gift of That.

    – September 12th 2021 – Online Zoom Satsang Gathering

    What if it is Love itself that is creating all that is in appearance in each moment? Would it not make sense then, that opening to That would give a person the experience of being held directly by Love? Yes. This is always being invited, no matter what is happening. In this crazy amazing world, please do give yourself moments of the direct experience of Being Held by Love.

    – September 2021 – Small Group Satsang Series of Four Zoom Meetings, One per week


    ‘Reality, Relativity & Happiness”

    This Satsang series will support you to fall in with That which is real. Relativity gives us an ongoing experience of Being Alive…what a gift! Happiness floats amongst the play of this Universe, join in to hear – even more deeply – the gift of That.

    – October/November 2021 – Small Group Satsang Series of Four Zoom Meetings, One Satsang Meeting per week

    “Bringing Union to the Feminine & Masculine Within”

    “Transforming Anger to Passion”

    “Happiness is Your Birthright – How about Joy?!”

    Trust in that feeling to join in with YOU, deepening: in Joy, in Happiness, in Union with your Feminine & Masculine, in transforming the energy of Anger into Passion. You are welcome!

    November/December 2021 – Small Group Satsang Series of Four Zoom Meetings, One Satsang Meeting per week

    Tuesdays – “Being Ever More Seated in Love”

    Love, – Source, Infinity, Goddess, God…..always Here, always available. These Satsang Meetings are for falling more and more deeply into That. More and more seated in Love as Love – Yes! No need to exclude this wonderful human aspect that you are, precious & included, and honoured.

    Wednesdays – “Tantra & Abundance”

    Abundance of Love, of Freedom, of Flow and of Ease of Living including the financial aspect of living. Understanding Tantra by direct experience magnifies this Abundance.

    Jan/Feb 2022, Small Group Satsang Series, Tuesdays and Thursdays – ‘Being Seated Ever More Deeply as Infinity, Consciously’

    – February/March 2022 – Small Group Satsang Series

    Topic: “Tantra – The Weaving of Existence”

    Exploring the intricate expression of life in its on-going movement of interconnectedness. This leaves nothing out, it is utterly inclusive. Tantra points to this interweaving…falling ‘in with’ That – exactly as the moment depicts….wow! Yum! Are you curious?

    – March 27th 2022 – Monthly Zoom Satsang

    Topic: ‘Tantra – Dissolution of Doubt’

    Exploring the intricate expression of life in its on-going movement of interconnectedness. This leaves nothing out, it is utterly inclusive. Tantra points to this interweaving…falling ‘in with’ That – exactly as the moment depicts….wow! Yum! Are you curious? Experiencing the Tantric aspect of how the world shows up in each moment, naturally dissolves doubt in all directions! Come and experience That for yourSelf – You are Welcome!

    – April 24th 2022 – Monthly Zoom Satsang
    Topic: ‘Cultivating Kindness’
    What the world needs, what we all need, is even more kindness. This Satsang will zero in on where life does not feel kind and explore that to find the Love that resides in all happenings. The side effect? Life feels and is much more kind and loving.

    – April/May 2022 – Small Group Satsang Series
    Topic: “Living Life Fully”
    Are you living all of ‘you’? Would you like to expand into more of yourSelf and play that out with the world? So many people live a small portion of what is actually available to them. When you read this, you will know if you are living all that you are here to live, or not. Come and join in this Satsang and welcome All of Who You Are to be even more alive and engaged!

    Zoom Satsang on May 29th 2022 'Spacious Potentials - Alive, Aware, Awake, YES!'
    A Satsang Pool of Spaciousness for Expansion. Inviting & REALizing an even deeper experiencing of this you that appears here in each moment: inclusive of grace, ease and flow where you can experience that Love itSelf has you.

    May/June 2022 -Small Group Satsang Series
    Topic: “Being Abundantly Calm & Alive”
    Falling ever more open to Abundance of all that draws your heart in the midst of deep, settled, seated Calm.  To dare to live life to the maximum, means that you are willing to be new, fresh & very alive in the midst of this Stillness.

    - Aug/Sept/Oct 2022 Small Group Satsang
    Topic: "Satsang Mentoring"
This is really what Canela Michelle has been offering all along: Mentoring. No matter what topic, it is all Mentoring - supporting you to: Hear you, to See you, to Be With you, to Support you, to Love you, to Understand this ‘you’ that you have been given.

    - Sept. 11th Monthly Satsang
    Topic: "Even More Harmony, Inside & Out”
    Sept. 11th - what a marker that day has become for inviting more harmony…it’s a reminder.
    What can we do to support more harmony in the world? Of course, Allow more harmony Here with yourself….
    We can invite this specifically, not just generally: more harmony in your relationships, more harmony in your finances, more harmony in your body. Where would you like more Harmony in your life?

    - Satsang in Springfield, MA
    Sept 30th, Evening Satsang in Springfield, MA
    Saturday Oct. 1st, 12pm - 4pm Daylong Satsang, Springfield, MA
    Saturday Oct. 1st, 7pm - 9pm Kirtan, Springfield, MA

    - Oct. 30th Monthly Satsang
    Topic: ‘The Dance of Love - YOU’
    Wouldn’t you love that? To experience yourSelf as dancing love?You are That…Thinking this, and experiencing this are quite different (I bet you know that!) When life gets gritty, Love is insisting something…what?
    Come and explore this in Satsang, the nitty gritty and the bliss of Love.

    -Oct/Nov. Small Group - Satsang Mentoring
    Topic: "Satsang Mentoring"
This is really what Canela Michelle has been offering all along: Mentoring Awareness, Abundance, Expansion, Embodiment and Self Realization.
    - No matter what topic, it is all Mentoring - supporting you to: Hear you, to See you, to Be With you, to Support you, to Love you, to Understand this ‘you’ that you have been given.

    -Nov. 13th 2022, Monthly Satsang

Topic: ‘Ease Please”
    What if…..
    What if, instead of an attempt to feel better when life doesn’t feel sweet, what if one were to open to Love more deeply? What if that ‘not sweet’ moment is really an invitation to allow yourself to feel yourself loved? What a dare! To let yourself feel more and more deeply loved…is this the real invitation of being alive? Let’s explore this in Satsang, where the Truth within yourself can be seen, felt, and known more easily because that is exactly what Satsang is for.

    - Dec. 11th 2022 - Monthly Satsang

Topic: ‘Feeling Love’
    Most people do not realize that feeling love in each moment is available to them. The human collective is much more ‘used to’ having to ‘work’ or ‘effort’ for everything - to attempt to ‘get’ it.In Satsang (and in every moment) the invitation is for people to let Love get them! It is a totally different direction than what the most usual training - in how to be - is. It is so simple, so available, so already Here that it is often missed…until it isn’t. Come and join in with yourself, with others, with Love…to be feeling love for no reason at all, without effort. You are invited!

    -Jan 6th to 8th 2023 - Satsang Weekend in Los Angeles
    “Honouring The Heart Satsang Weekend”
    What a wonderful way to set your year to hearing and following through on the incredible, deep intelligence of your heart. Of course your heart would lead you into more and more of a life that you love and cherish so that you wake up more often with a smile of gratitude.
    This Satsang does not override whatever might be happening that does not feel or look like Love, instead we explore that energetically to hear ‘What is Love up to with this?” These answers are of the moment, coming out of the exploration, not figuring it out with the mind. The mind is included, a great asset, and answers are experiential - answers that come through you, for you, from Love/Source. Unlock your freedom of Being in this Satsang! Clear your system to Be in Life with even more light, joy and honouring of your amazing heart!

    -January 15th 2023 - Monthly Satsang

Topic: ‘Harmony Within’
    What could be better than that? If you are feeling harmonious, do you notice how your outer details seem so much smaller and not so triggering?This Satsang supports you to find your way to that - how to find this harmony underneath the surface details. There is a sure fired way - to ‘BE WITH’ whatever does not look or feel harmonious. This is always Love inviting you to harmony. Not by overriding anything or by thinking about it, this is the way to experience whatever is happening as a sort of pathway to your own inner harmony. Come and join in with us in Satsang to find this for yourself. Where the Truth can be seen, felt, and known more easily because that is exactly what Satsang is for.

    -February 19th 2023 - Monthly Satsang

Topic: “Steady in Stillness
    It’s a wild world of happenings that very often do not feel very still. In fact, the play of the Universe is not still, it is an energetic movement. However, what is that movement playing in?This is the Stillness, the Silence, the aspect that this Universe is playing itself out in. Would you like to taste that? To steady yourself in That? You are being invited!

    -March 19th, 2023 - Monthly Satsang
    Topic “How Creation Works”

    This is a very big topic. For this Satsang, we will be looking at how the Formless becomes Form. This never ending dance of ‘What Is’ here to be played in, to be explored, to be enjoyed. We will deepen into joy, play and exploration in each moment to experience Creation itSelf.

    -April 2023 - Monthly Zoom Satsang
    Topic: ‘Misfit to Yes This!’

    For those of us who have felt different in the world - as if we don’t belong or ‘get’ how to be in it with how it is. As if we do not 'fit' with the other humans around us, so we feel weird and sometimes maybe people have even called us weird - that has happened to me for sure.
    In this Satsang, you will be claiming a new space for YOU - this wonderful aspect of Self at play. To feel, and know, the wonderful 'fit' that you are in the world!

    -Small Group Satsang - March/April
    Topic: "Allowing Abundance"
    There are all sorts of ideas about abundance. This Satsang series will support the reception, the allowing of yourself to connect with the abundance you are. To experience this, not just as a nice idea. Deepening into that creates a space for Abundance to grow in all directions. You get to set the directions of what you would love>

    -May 21st - Monthly Group Satsang

Topic: Transcendence Through Embodiment
    This Satsang will support and deepen the opening to Self in all of its intricate expressions. Transcendence is not leaving any aspect of Self out, where would it go after all?! There is One space, That includes All That Is. Fall in, fall in, with all of it… in joy, enjoy, yes…

    -June 24th. 2023 - Satsang Intensive in White Rock, BC Canada
    Topic: "Personal Contact with the Divine”
    This is the opportunity for including our personal Selves (even more deeply) here in Existence and being Conscious of our Divine Self - soaking in With That. In opening to the Absolute (the Spaciousness) there is often a tendency to attempt to let go of what appears ‘as if’ personal. In this Satsang Intensive, we will explore the inclusion of this that appears in each moment as a ‘you’…this wonderful person that you are AND settling in (even more deeply) with this Divine Self until it is clear and known as the same.

  • Event locations for Satsang with Canela Michelle: Most recent one was in Kunming China (May 2024), Next International Locations: Brighton England & G'Dansk Poland (Oct 2024 see schedule)

    -British Columbia: Saltspring Island, Chilliwack, Harrison Hot Springs, Bowen Island, East Vancouver, White Rock, North Vancouver,  Sechelt, Victoria, Sooke, Univ of BC - Vancouver Feminisms Conference
    -Alberta:  Calgary, Lethbridge, Univ of Lethbridge - Paradoxica Conference of Nondual Psychology

    United States: Tucson, San Francisco, San Rafael, San Jose/Science & Nonduality Conference, Sebastopol, Berkeley, Chicago, Seattle, Medford, Springfield, Los Angeles

    England:  London, Brighton, Hebdon Bridge, Litchfield  

    Ireland:  Dublin, Tipperary, Cork

    Isle of Mann: Douglas & Laxey

    Germany: Paderborn & Geseke 

    Czech Republic: Prague

    Mexico:  Mexico City & Manzanillo

    China: Kunming, Yunan

* More Events are always in the mix… Please do subscribe via the form on the Home page so you can know where and when Satsang with Canela Michelle will be happening.
* More Gallery Photos Below