Crazy Changing
Today I am inviting you to consider being with this crazy changing world in a new way of now – even more deeply than ever before!
Our world is changing so rapidly. It is a direct reflection of what is happening in the inner and outer landscape of humanity and the world – earthquakes, fires, sudden death, crazy politics, bigger hurricanes.
Crazy out of control fires, storms, gun owners, truck drivers, politicians, etc., etc., etc….
To hear the news on any given day, in any city, in any newscast, the ‘way of the world’ is now is pointing strongly for everyone to stop being ‘outwardly dependant’.
Outwardly dependant is when a person looks outside of their own heart to figure out how to respond in each moment. It is how most of us have been trained: to listen to our parents; to the teachers in school; to politicians; to our court systems. Very few of us have been supported to hear our own relating with the moment – the wisdom of ‘That’.
Now is the appropriate time of the evolution of ourselves as humans to become more resourceful – to re-source ourselves even more fully than before. Let these intense and seemingly random happenings support you in your commitment to embodying this life that you have been given…to live as much of That as you can allow while you are here.
I am not inviting exclusion of that which appears to be outside of ourselves, I am inviting to include that information but as a secondary inclusion, not primary.
The primary direction is to get to know yourself…to listen even more deeply than ever before to what you hear, feel, see and sense from inside of yourself. To take action based on that (AFTER listening by feeling into what is happening in the moment until it shares itself fully with you) rather than in old ways of following others.
We are being shown again and again that whatever and whomever most of humanity was depending on to run our countries is now known to no longer be safe or viable. The world is changing so fast that there is nothing to hold onto anymore. Not very many people feel safe anymore – earthquakes, guns, buildings collapsing, fires…hurricanes in Ireland? Amazing crazy volatile times.
While writing this Satsang Invitation, I heard about a friend who is very dedicated to service in the world and her own embodiment and yet her son was in an accident and she is unplugging the artificial life support for his body today. My heart surrounds her with deep love, not knowing, connecting as a mother with her in this extreme and sudden change in her life. We do not know what is going to happen. We never did. Now though, we are so much more aware of it all…so much more is exposed as well as the whole energetic display of life happening is quickening.
What can we lean on in these new times where even less is sure?
We can lean on That which is right here, right now: this incredible expression of Consciousness that appears in each moment as a ‘you’. No matter what happens, to return to the starting point of all happenings – this very moment. Where life starts again and again, newly, differently, as experienced by you. Settling even more deeply into the truth of what the moment offers – depth of sorrow and grief being a direct representation of how deep the love is; anger rising being a representation of some aspect that matters deeply to your own heart – to feel into (explore directly) the energy that is being presented rather than attempting to change the details that appear outside of yourself. To also allow an even deeper experience of Being loved.
The only part that remains true is that you are Here. If you are reading this, you Are. While this is true, deepen into it by allowing, even more, space for you yourSelf to be heard by you – even more directly than ever before. Take action (or not) based upon this inner exploration of energies first.
This is what our crazy changing world is inviting us to: to deepen into Self beyond what has been known.