Dancing as Now
Here you are, you are dancing existence…
No, not you dancing as if you are ‘doing’ anything – that part is already happening – you are Being Danced. Om dancing.
It does not mean that you do not get to participate. It just means that the dance is already happening.
I invite you to lean back into the moments, into the happenings. Lean into feeling it all and let it take you along. No more ‘work’, no more ‘effort-ing’, no more ‘trying’, no more pushing yourSelf to do what you ‘think’ you ‘should’.
I know that this that I offer is not perhaps the most tasty opportunity to what is called the ego because you will lose any belief in not being able to be in the moment.
You will loose the comfort zone of discomfort, loose the ability to believe the illusion in a way that keeps you believing you are separate.
Does this mean that you will never feel uncomfortable again? No. It just means that you are willing to Be With That which is Real. This Realized reality that changes itself… so if discomfort shows up, you can surf with it, not fight it and it is not so ‘bad’, it is just discomfort dancing by.
This moment and all that is included in That.
This Dance
of You….
There is still time to join in with us in the Here Now Satsang Retreat on Bowen Island in August. The retreat centre needs to know how many rooms are taken. It is a small group so far so those involved will be receiving tons of support in every direction!
Commit to yourSelf and join in with us within the next few days (info on the schedule page).
With Love, deep Love, to you all! Canela