Right Here, Right Now Meditations: Satsang Invitations for Expanding Awareness”
Foreword by Isaac Shapiro, Paperback and Kindle versions available
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“Canela, I’m finding your book very helpful & supportive in my “journey” of awakening. The particular way you express yourself is helping me to cut through the lifetimes of conditioning and to begin to see through the egoic world of the mind. With thanks and blessings.” Jaya, Wales, England
“No matter what state I’m in as I read ‘Right Here, Right Now Meditations,’ it lifts me up and into my true spiritual self. I can feel the Presence in you speaking to the Presence in me, calling me into higher consciousness”. Gini Grey, Author of ‘From Chaos to Calm’, GiniGrey.com
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Canela Michelle is currently working on her next book:
“From Rape to Freedom – Blame Free
A Nondual Approach to Healing Violence for Ourselves and the World“