"This book is so very full of practical ways that readers can bring more peace, joy and love to their lives no matter what. Canela Michelle points the way for people to claim their own lives and live in a more empowered way."
Mary Morrissey - Best-Selling Author and Founder of the Brave Thinking Institute
”I Was Told Not to Tell” is a very inspirational true story of bringing harmony to what at first does not look harmonious.
Canela Michelle writes in a very vulnerable and honest way - serving to move the reader towards compassion towards life and towards themselves. Her whole approach is gentle, compassionate, yet very strong and empowering. If you wish to feel even more empowered in your life, this is a must read for you! This is NOT a book about blame…it is empowering.
“This is a well written & powerful book!” S.B., Canada
“I am not finished with this book yet but felt the author deserved a shout out for her sincerity, transparency and deeply moving writing style. I feel she addresses a very difficult topic with grace and dignity and immediately makes the reader feel at ease. Feels like sitting in an easy chair with a cup of tea talking about challenging experiences with a good friend, in a way that facilitates great healing.” G. Driver, USA
“The path to Love has never been more clear: read; absorb; transform; freedom.
This book is raw, real and transformative no matter the level of our awareness or trauma. Learning to recognize and process our own energies is invaluable to our spiritual growth and inner peace. Reading this points to more I want to give to myself. I can’t wait to start rereading this book and stop along the way to go deeper into feeling me; being me; and loving me!” Alison Cahill, USA
This book is also published as:
“From Rape to Freedom - A Nondual & Loving Approach for Healing Violence Inside & Out”
“Right Here, Right Now Meditations: Satsang Invitations for Expanding Awareness”
Foreword by Isaac Shapiro, Paperback, Ebook and Spanish versions available
USA – Amazon.com
Canada – Amazon.ca
UK – Amazon.co.uk
(and your local Amazon Website around the world)
**Best Seller on Amazon - #3 in ‘All Books’ category!! #1 & #2 were George R. Martin, Game of Thrones books… nice company!
!Pronto Disponible en Espanol!!
“This is a very rich source of practice and exploration, I find I revisit each meditation at different times and it is fresh again and again!” Luchi, Brighton, England
“Canela, I’m finding your book very helpful & supportive in my “journey” of awakening. The particular way you express yourself is helping me to cut through the lifetimes of conditioning and to begin to see through the egoic world of the mind. This is a very practical book that helps me to bring awareness to how I am living my life and to “what” is living this life. It acts as a wonderful reminder of my True Self. I especially appreciated the meditation on “Whose Power Is It?” It reminds me to be aware of where, or to whom, I’ve been giving away my power and to stop & reclaim it..With thanks and blessings.” Jaya, Wales, England
“No matter what state I’m in as I read ‘Right Here, Right Now Meditations,’ it lifts me up and into my true spiritual self. I can feel the Presence in you speaking to the Presence in me, calling me into higher consciousness”. Gini Grey, Bowen Island, Canada, Author of ‘From Chaos to Calm’
Check out more feedback from people about the books Here
**To purchase any of the books, go to the Amazon website in your country, search for ‘Canela Michelle’ and you will find all of her books.
– with Jerry Katz – Nonduality Magazine – November 2011
– with Rina Maitrea Magazine in the Czech Republic
With direct support from:
Links to a few other Satsang Offerers or Connections:
Living From Love – Grace Bubeck
Other Supportive Websites:
www.batgap.com Buddha at the Gas Pump
satsangteachers.com Worldwide Satsang Events
www.scienceandnonduality.com Science and Nonduality
www.meetingtruth.com Meeting Truth
Open Circle, Satsang Events in California
www.conscious.tv Conscious TV
https://www.beingordinary.org Talking About Nothing
www.nonduality.com NonDuality
www.nondualityamerica.wordpress.com Non-Duality America
www.nondualitynetwork.com Nonduality Network
Canela Michelle is a Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, although not teaching Yoga (except the Yoga of Embodiment) at this time, here is where you can find who is in Vancouver:
https://www.yogawest.ca Kundalini Yoga in Vancouver