Ultimate Entertainment
From Here, it is the moment as it unfurls itself directly,
received directly in its twirling, whirling, dancing, still and undulating Self.
I invite you to slow down in the midst of whatever is happening so you can hear and receive the entertainment that is already here in each moment: before you turn on the tv, yet it includes the tv and whatever is perceived inclusive of that. Entertainment is here in each moment before you go to the sports event and it includes that too in its entirety. Before any theatre or travel experience, this ultimate entertainment is here, and also includes where ever one finds oneself to be.
This ultimate entertainment is here in each moment in Satsang, clearly, and includes everyOne and all movements of energy in that too. Satsang can be received as entertainment sure, of course it can!
The ultimate entertainment is right here, right now ‘With’ you as you read this. It is here in these bits of digital pigment on a screen that have shape that we call letters, that this one (this ‘you’) is reading this and comprehending not only the letters, the words, the meaning, but the energy intact in these words. These words cannot be written without the fullness of all of that…they come directly from and with that.
How to receive this channel? Where to tune in to receive this incredible array of shows, perspectives, colours, smells, sounds, panoramas, thoughts… the symphonic intricate dance of This?
Right here, right now of course!
Being aware of the potential of the reception of this symphony is your only apparatus required – ask and ye shall receive. Open to that and lo and behold, it is already Here. Wow!
Come and join with us in Here Now Satsang where the symphony is easier to hear, easier to receive, and is amplified because it is consciously celebrated. It is also a space (as many of you know) where any bit of apparent blockage of hearing this symphony can be met and embraced by Love itSelf…oh yes!!