Basking in Gratitude
What a delight it is for me to invite you to Bask in Gratitude! No matter where you are, no matter when you receive this, I invite you to open to Gratitude right now....let it permeate this space and place - this 'Here Now' right where you are.
Perhaps there is tough stuff going on in your life? Maybe not? Either way, I invite you to notice that you can see these marks on the screen of your phone, tablet or computer; these see them, you understand each individual word, then you can also allow the energy of them to Be With you as you read them. Wow! That's a lot to be grateful for! To see, to understand, to feel...all of that is given to you. You could say that you took the time to learn to read, that it wasn't 'given', however even the ability to learn has been given.
A very wonderful opportunity to encourage gratitude is to look for any 'blame' that you might feel towards people or governments or anything at all. This can be a great opportunity to bring harmony to that.
I invite you to be curious about the energy of 'blame' - find where it is alive in your body. Once you have found it, let go of the details that supported you to find it (the issue), and let your Awareness rest with the energy exactly as it is. Let go of any attempt to change it, simply be with it, listen to it by feeling it - give it space to express itself (directly) to you.
This is what the Satsang on Sunday (Dec. 8th) will be about. We will 'meet' whatever does not look like gratitude at first, explore it, and then bask in the resulting gratitude! The depth and strength of the energy of gratitude will expand.
You do not need an issue to explore to join in...the gratitude will be magnified while we are together...of course this is very healing and encouraging to all aspects (physically, emotionally, and mentally) of who you are very welcome!!