Newness in Fulfillment
Topic: ‘Newness in Fulfillment’
This Satsang invitation invites you to dive into the newness of yourSelf to new depths in fulfilling your human needs: to be cared about, to be touched, to be respected, to be heard, and to feel loved.
How can one do that for themselves?
First, look to where you already feel ‘pulled’ towards a situation or person as if you ‘need’ them for anything. Perhaps you have had some needs fulfilled by them in the past, so some part of you looks to them to continue. It can also be that there are unmet childhood needs.
The very beautiful thing is, because we are always Here Now, you can meet your own needs. What looks like the past, is available here in each moment. How can that be? Just look to any memory that arises now from any time that has past….instantly, that memory becomes part of the Here Now. In this way, we can explore the energies to ascertain what it is that is needed, and then be creative to gift it to ourselves in someway that will show up in the movement of the energies.
Not as a move to be ‘independent’ or move away from others, but to become more consciously ‘interdependant’ where our needs are met without us trying to ‘get them met’ by anyone else….it just happens naturally. Then afterwards, you might even say: “I needed that! Thank you!”
You are invited to join in With us in Satsang where each moment is expanded so one can see and be with ‘What Is’ even more easily and enjoyably. “What Is’ totally includes yourSelf as a human being…of course!