Nothing Matters and Everything Matters

Oh there is such a delight when your consciousness relaxes open and realizes:  Nothing Matters!! 

This is not a ‘nothing matters’ that is down and out, as if no one cares.  This is a celebratory realization that life is more easy and joyful than previously imagined.  The realization that nothing matters also supports the understanding that there is no benefit in anyone worrying about anything or being concerned with time. Everything is carrying on no matter if we worry or are concerned, allowing your caring to fall open to being with where you are rather than attempting to change this or get away from that. Nothing matters is freedom to really care and be with what is important to you and your heart in loving ways.  

The human collective has been conditioned to be worried or be concerned, to basically torture ourselves and then that’s called ‘loving’.  Well, it is not loving. It is basically a denial of ‘what is’, as if it could be ‘wrong’.  

I invite you to see what happens if you let go of worry and concern by going to the actual felt sense of caring in your heart. I invite you to let yourself feel the caring there about whatever the situation is. This is not in denial of what is happening, it is not a spiritual bypass. It is an inclusion of the details and your caring except in a way that actually supports you – any sitting with your caring heart is ALWAYS good for you! And it is good for whatever the situation is because you are not adding extra ‘no no no!’ energy to it. It makes it lighter for all involved in whatever you are looking at and also, more generally, with all of humanity.

Then, on the other side of it, everything matters! That felt sense of caring opens up all sorts of avenues to caring some more, feeling more love, more caring about everything except in a supportive way. This is a wonderful way to live and does so much more – applying Love itself – in any situation…starting with you. You are not separate from all that is. It is very worthwhile to feel love, caring, joy, fun, peace, and harmony…the more you do, the more accessible it is for everyone and the more these types of energies expand in the universe. More love, caring, joy, fun, peace and harmony for everyone!  Everything, after all, matters – all that you see, feel, touch, smell, hear, is actually ‘matter’. Celebrate That!  
You are invited…
Invited With Love,

Canela MichelleComment