Apples and Vaccines
Yes, well…
The invitation that the vaccine might bring for many people is an opportunity to embrace one’s sovereignty.
The answer lay within. Yes.
There is so so much information out and about that will pull you or lead you in every direction. What to believe or not to believe?
This invitation is to invite you to bite the apple from the garden of Eden. In order to know, within and without that there is no such thing as a punishing god. The opportunity is to bite the apple consciously as a choice to turn within yourself for all of your answers when you are looking for answers. Let yourself feel the mix of it all within…all of the information included…there is no need to exclude anything at all. Nor can anyone outside of you know what is right for you simply because they are not you.
Your own feminine aspect – from you to you – invites a relaxing open and trusting it all, trusting in Love itself. Trusting your own answers no matter what they are. This is not thinking about it and reasoning out an answer, it is feeling into yourself to hear what is right for you.
Just as you look toward people in your life that you love and consider what you would love to happen for them:
enjoyment, security, fulfillment, love, joy, ecstasy, good health, and learning – of course this is what Love itself wants for you too. That IS what the garden of eden is – heaven is right here, right now in each moment. The only place of true harmony. Punishment doesn’t fit into that.
In the question of whether to:
take the vaccine,
or not,
or avoid the whole thing,
or judging people who take it,
or judging people who do not,
or however you respond to this rather big happening in the world today,
I invite you to fall inwardly toward this mighty fine Self that you are for YOUR truth on this topic. Relax open to how you feel, letting the thoughts just take a back seat for a bit, allowing the mind to just slip back into the spine so it is still available, just not dominating.
Once the innermost is included, it naturally, effortlessly includes the outermost. Your body, your system of energy, your mind, all of this is included…no need to exclude anything.
Take a bite of a juicy apple and enjoy it in totality. Life is for living it fully…yes yes yes! This vaccine has been linked to life and death, so it is a great opportunity to explore you yourself: That which has been given to you.
Please do join in with us on Sunday May 16th for Satsang to explore these bits of life; to awaken to the Truth from yourself, to yourself, for yourself, as yourself, Being yourself, yes.
with love,
Canela Michelle